Monday, 19 August 2013

Criminal Trial, Proceedings & Pre-Trial Stages in India.

Many a times we come across the term called criminal trial. In general parlance, we understand trial means that a person is facing a case in court of law. But generally people are not aware of the process of criminal trial in India. So here is the procedure for criminal trial that generally takes place in India.

Types of Criminal Trials
Before we proceed further, we must note that according to Criminal Procedure Code, criminal trial can be of tree types namely Trial in Warrant cases, Trial in Summon Cases and Summary Trial.

Trial in Warrant Cases
Warrant cases are those cases in which an offence attracts a penalty of imprisonment for more than seven years and it includes offences punishable with death and life imprisonment. In such cases, the trial starts either by filing of FIR or by filing a complaint before a magistrate. And if the magistrate finds that the case relates to an offence carrying a punishment for more than two years, the case is sent to the sessions court for trial.
Section 193 of the Criminal Procedure Code clearly states that the session court cannot take cognizance of any offence unless the case has been sent to it by a magistrate. The process of sending it to session’s court is generally called committing it to session’s court.

Trial in Summon Cases
A summon case is a case which is not a warrant case. So in simple words, those cases in which an offence is punishable with an imprisonment of less than two years is a summon case. In this case, one must understand that if a magistrate, after looking into the case, thinks that a case is not a summon case; he may convert it into a warrant case. In respect of summons cases, there is no need to frame a charge. The court gives substance of the accusation, which is called “notice”, to the accused when the person appears in pursuance to the summons.

Summary Trial
Case of offenses punishable with an imprisonment of not more than six months can be tried in a summary way. It is also to be noted that if the case has been tried in a summary way, a person cannot be awarded a punishment of imprisonment for more than three months.

Pre-trial stages
Registration of FIR
FIR stands for first information report which is lodged under section 154 of the Criminal Procedure Code. The FIR is only the basis information which is made available to the police when a cognizable offence takes place. FIR is the first stage from which a criminal case takes the birth.


FIR in a criminal case leads to investigation in the case. Investigation leads an investigating officer to reach to a conclusion whether a charge sheet has to be filed or a closure report has to be filed in the case. If the investigation result in discovery of an offence, a charge sheet is filed, otherwise a closure report is filed before the concerned court.
If the investigating officer finds out that a case is fit for trial then he files a charge sheet in the case.

Filing of the charge sheet
The charge sheet is the brief summary of how an offence had been committed? What was the role of each person who was involved in the crime and the sections under which the investigating officer had charged all the accused. The charge sheet also contains the names of the person who were investigated but could not be charged due to lack of evidence in the eyes of the investigating agency. Filing of the charge sheet generally means that the investigation in the case is over and now the court has to consider the evidence collected by the investigating agency. It is to be noted, that if during the course of trial, some new facts come to the light, the agency may file additional charge sheets.

Framing of charges/Serving the Notice
If it’s a summon case, a simple notice is given and a response is sought from the accused. But in warrant cases, the court frames the charges.
Framing of charges mean that the court looks into the evidence collected by the investigating agency and applies its mind so as to what are the charges under which an accused has to be booked. For example, the police have filed a charge sheet accusing a person of murder under section 302, but the court deems it proper to charge the person for culpable homicide not amounting to murder under section 304. At this stage, if an accused pleads guilty then the court will apply its judicial mind and decide the punishment accordingly. And if the accused pleads not guilty, he is informed the charges under which he would be required to face the trial.
On the other hand, if the judge finds that no offence against an accused is made out; the accused is discharged from the case. The court has to apply its mind and record the reasons for discharging an accused.

Recording of the Prosecution Evidence
After the charges have been framed against an accused, the prosecution is required to produce before the court, all the evidence collected by the investigating agency. It is to be noted that when the investigating agency produces the evidence before the court, the evidence has to be supplemented with the statement of the prosecution witnesses (PWs). The process of recording the statement of PWs is called Examination-in-Chief. The evidence which is brought before the court and which the court considers is called “Exhibit”.  The witnesses brought by the prosecution are expected to support the case presented by the prosecution and if they fail to do so, they are declared hostile and the prosecution may request the court not to rely on the statement of such a witness.
In case the witness supports the case of the prosecution, the defence is entitled to cross examine the witness so that they could find out the discrepancies in the statement of the witness concerned. If the defence succeeds in finding the discrepancies in the statement of the witnesses, they may ask the court not to rely on the statement of the said witness.
Statement of the accused
Section 313 of the Criminal Procedure code empowers the court to ask for an explanation from the accused if any. The basic idea is to give an opportunity of being heard to an accused and explain the facts and circumstances appearing in the evidence against him. Under this section, an accused shall not be administered an oath and the accused may refuse to answer the questions so asked. The answers given by the accused may be taken into consideration in such inquiry or trial, and put in evidence for or against him.

Evidence of Defence
After the statement of the accused is over, the court applies its mind and tries to find out if the accused has committed any offence or not. If the court reaches the conclusion that no offence has been committed by the accused, he is acquitted. It must be noted that while acquitting an accused, the judge is expected to give reasons for acquitting the accused.
In cases of accused not being acquitted by the court, the defence is given an opportunity to present any defence evidence in support of the accused. The defence can also produce its witnesses and the said witnesses are cross examined by the prosecution. In India, generally the defence does not provide defence evidence as the criminal justice system in India puts burden of proof on the prosecution to prove that a person is guilty of an offence beyond the reasonable doubt.

Final Arguments of both the sides
Once the defence evidence of the accused is over, the prosecution presents its final arguments. In final arguments, the prosecution generally sum up its case against the accused. After the final arguments of the prosecution are over, the defence also present its final arguments. After the final arguments of both the sides are over, the court generally reserve its judgment.

Delivery of Judgment
After application of mind, the judge delivers a final judgment holding an accused guilty of offence or acquitting him of the particular offence. If a person is acquitted, the prosecution is given time to file an appeal and if a person is convicted of a particular offence, then date is fixed for arguments on sentence.
Arguments on sentence
Once a person is convicted of an offence, both the sides present their arguments on what punishment should be awarded to an accused. This is generally done in cases which are punished with death or life imprisonment.
Judgment with punishment
After the arguments on sentence, the court finally decides what should be the punishment for the accused. While punishing a person, the courts consider various theories of punishment like reformative theory of punishment and deterrent theory of punishment. Court also considers the age, background and history of an accused and the judgment is pronounced accordingly.
(Note: Change in Court proceedings may subject to current law mechanism.)

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Laws on F.I.R. in India.

Facts you must know about FIR before you enter a police station. 

Its a very very common thing that people approach you saying the police is not lodging their FIR. I have come across numerous cases, where people are not aware about facts related to F.I.R., This prompts us to write on things you must know before entering a police station in such a case.

What is FIR?
FIR stands for first information report. It is a document providing the basic information that a cognizable offense has been committed. We must know that FIR is not a conclusive proof that a person has committed an offense. FIR is the starting point of the investigation in a particular offense.

What is the law on FIR?
FIR is governed by Section 154 of the Criminal Procedure Code.
According to Section 154, (1) Every information relating to the commission of a cognizable offense, if given orally to an officer in charge of a police station, shall be reduced to writing by him or under his direction, and be read over to the informants and every such information, whether given in writing or reduced to writing as aforesaid, shall be signed by the person giving it, and the substance thereof shall be entered in a book to be kept by such officer in such form as the State Government may prescribe in this behalf. (2) A copy of the information as recorded under sub-section (1) shall be given forthwith, free of cost, to the informant. (3) Any person, aggrieved by a refusal on the part of an officer in charge of a police station to record the information referred to in sub-section (1) may send the substance of such information, in writing and by post, to the Superintendent of Police concerned who, if satisfied that such information discloses the commission of a cognizable offense, shall either investigate the case himself or direct an investigation to be made by any police officer Subordinate to him, in the manner provided by this Code, and such officer shall have all the powers of an officer in charge of the police station in relation to that offence.

Is a police officer duty bound to lodge FIR in every case?
The police officer is duty bound to lodge FIR in every cognizable case. And if a police officer gets a complaint from an aggrieved person about the cognizable offense, he must lodge a FIR. And if a police officer refuses to do so, one must approach the SP of the concerned area that a police officer has refused to lodge FIR.

What does it mean if the police officer takes your complaint and gives you an acknowledgement? Does it mean FIR has been lodged? 

No, it doesn't mean that the FIR has been lodged. It just means that the police officer has received a complaint and the police will see if a cognizable offense has been committed or not?

How will you get to know that your FIR has been lodged or not?
If a FIR has been lodged, the police officer concerned shall write in their prescribed performa in a form or in computer as the case may be. They will also write the relevant sections and the name of the accused persons if any of them are known to the complainant. The FIR shall also contain a reference number containing the year also.

Can your complaint be FIR?
Yes! Your complaint can also be FIR provided they have written down the contents of your complaint in their prescribed performa. Please remember that mere acknowledgment of receiving your complaint doesn't automatically converts it into FIR.

Is it your right to get a copy of FIR?
Yes! Its your right to get a copy of your FIR free of cost from the police

Should FIR be lodged ASAP? What will happen if there is a delay in filing FIR?
Yes, FIR must be lodged as soon as possible. If there is a delay in filing the FIR, it will help the accused because the accused shall get time to destroy the evidence, there shall be a problem in locating the witnesses and during the trial, the defense lawyer will make an allegation that FIR is an after thought.

Why they refuse to file FIR? 
There are few reasons the police refuses to lodge FIR like the offense is not a cognizable offense. Sometimes they want to keep the crime graph low so if they don't lodge FIR, it will not show in the crime statistics in the area. Many a times, a party bribes police officers and that's why they refuse to lodge FIR. In most of mobile theft cases, it is a common practice that police does not register a FIR but registers a NCR so the graph of theft remains low.

What should you do if the police officer refuses to lodge a FIR?
If the police refuses to lodge FIR, don't think that this is the end of the road. The Criminal Procedure Code has a provision under section 156(3) where an aggrieved person may file a petition before the magistrate asking for a direction to the police to lodge a FIR.
Source: Spreadlaw.